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Retaining Wall Finishing

For the final row you have two options; you can use no capping modules or the Celtik Capping Modules.

Celtik Retaining Walls

Celtik No Capping Modules
For a finish without Capping Modules, use the same rectangular blocks you used to create the wall.
Choosing a no capping module

cutting the blocks to create a convex curve
For a convex curve use the beveled blocks. Make sure to strike the extremities of the blocks at the back.
cutting the blocks to create a convex curve

spreading concrete adhesive glue

Simply spread concrete adhesive on the next to last row of the Celtik Wall and lay the last row of blocks.

Laying the last layer of retaining wall blocks.
The Celtik Capping Module
The Celtik Capping Module is sold separately, this Module offers a different type of finish, no anchor pins are necessary. Spread concrete adhesive on the next to last row of the Celtik Wall and lay Capping Modules over it.
Celtik Capping Modules
To make a radius lay down the Capping Modules cut side by side...
measure the gap between the two blocks ...measure the distance between the two blocks, then split this measurement in two, and make a mark at the end of each block that will meet.
split this measurement and mark half on each block

cut the block with a concrete saw Cut with a concrete saw. laying the cut capping blocks

Marking a block for a 45 degree cut
To make a 90 degree angle with the Celtik Capping Modules you again have two options; the first is to make a 45 degree cut with the concrete saw.
Fitting the 45 degree cut pieces together

The second is to hammer down the right or left side of the Capping Modules, depending on the case, so that the two showing faces are similar.

Using the hammer to hammer down the side of the capping stone
Using the hammer to hammer down the side of the capping stone
Laying the capping stone with the hammered down corners

Make sure to knock off the retaining lip lugs at the back of the block.

Continue our How To Build a Retaining Wall Guide - next section is Construction of Steps.

For more information about the Celtik Wall System to create beautiful and natural looking retaining walls you can view our video.

See also Retaining Wall Shapes